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The hotel room adapts to the guests' needs for greater well-being

Immagine del redattore: Dino CellupicaDino Cellupica

Italy has always been one of the most sought-after tourist destinations worldwide. In the past the foreign tourist was mainly attracted by our nature, our culture, our museums, our history, our gastronomy. Now, even as a result of the COVID -19 pandemic, before booking at the hotel, tourists inquire if the structure has sanitized and certified rooms even before inquiring about the other services of the structure, once main and secondary. Health First of all.

Therefore an accommodation facility, if it wants to meet the new needs of wellness travelers but also business and leisure travelers, must be able to offer rooms that are constantly sanitized and that have:

· sanitized air 24 hours a day to ensure the guest can breathe healthy air free of viruses, bacteria, allergens, molds, ...

· Surfaces thoroughly sanitized at each change of guest and not just hygienized (such as floors, tables, handles, light switches, TV remote control, ...

· Anti-mite bed system

· Environmental safety with the absence of dangerous electromagnetic fields, radon, legionella, noise, fibers, ...

The continuously sanitized air offers the guarantee of healthiness requested by guests. In fact, sanitization allows the elimination of airborne pathogens, possibly present in the chamber (viruses, bacteria, yeasts, allergens, bad smells, ...). While the surfaces, when thoroughly sanitized and not simply hygenized (floors, furniture, switches, remote controls, sanitary equipment, ...) are free of microbial loads and therefore non-contaminating for those who touch them. The anti-mite bed allows the guest to sleep peacefully without disturbances from those annoying animals that find their ideal habitat in the mattresses. Particular attention must be paid to the absence in the environment of radon, dangerous electromagnetic fields, annoying noises and legionella, which instead finds its habitat in the water system of the shower or bathtub, representing a danger for the guest who is shower. The services described contribute to qualify the Hospitality room of superior quality to the standard.

It is precisely on the services offered by the room, related to the health and well-being of the guest, that new business opportunities for the world of hotel hospitality will arise in the near future. To take advantage of this opportunity, however, it will be necessary that the accommodation facilities are ready to offer their guests quality services but above all services that pay greater attention to their health and their physical and mental well-being. The hotel room must therefore change its appearance, adapt to new needs and transform itself from a simple place to sleep into a place where you can stay in health and where you can rest safely, in peace and in complete relaxation.

Staying in a healthy environment, because it is thoroughly sanitized as is the case for the rooms with the Healthy Room qualification, is told by the guest on his return from his trip if he has stayed in a healthy hotel, because he felt comfortable there and will speak well of it. becoming a powerful Ambassador. Today, with the advent of social networks, a positive post has considerable market value. An accommodation facility with Healthy Room qualified rooms can safely welcome its guests with the slogan:

Relax! You’re in a healthy place.

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